Monday, January 18, 2016

The Tuesday Group

A Study of The World’s Religions and Cults Compared to Biblical Christianity

An Introduction

“All religions are basically the same,” is one of the biggest lies Satan has ever promoted. There are significant differences between biblical Christianity and any other faith/belief system. My small group is out to prove it.

Why would a group of educated men feel the need to do such a thing? One reason is that they want to lead their families in a way to encourage true happiness and minimal pain. Another reason is they see the world unraveling before them as politicians, teachers, preachers and evil people confuse their children and grandchildren by promoting false doctrine, or no faith at all. These men care.

There are many non-biblical worldviews tugging at the hearts of young and old alike.
Naturalism tells us God does not exist; only physical matter does.  Related to this are secular humanism, evolutionism, and empiricism.

Pantheism, from the East, in the form of Hinduism and Buddhism has fed the New Age movement in the West. “All is one, one is all, and all is God,” describes pantheistic monism.

Polytheism tells us that there are many “gods, goddesses, and spirits that we must appease and please to have a reasonably good life.”
Lastly, we have the relativists. These folks pick and choose from naturalism, pantheism and polytheism specific elements of each to fit the mantra “whatever works for you.” Secular humanists, postmodernists, and new agers love relativism because they believe that there is no moral truth outside of what they think works for them. Thus, there is no value to biblical sin, unless it happens to match their vision, or worldview.

Everyone has a worldview. It describes what they think and who they are.
Sometimes, people who call themselves Christians really are not. Being a Christian is a personal matter between an individual and God. Only God and the individual know the truth about the relationship they share. No one can “make” you a Christian, or do it for you. Being a member and attending a church does not make you a Christian. I can stand in a garage and make noises like a car, but it doesn’t make me a car. Being a true Christian requires a personal transaction and relationship with God. You have to do business with Jesus Christ, putting your trust in Him as your Savior and Lord.

For the biblical Christian, it is only through this relationship that one can even see the kingdom. It might sound farfetched to the person who does not believe, but to those who have made the transaction and are born again, there is no more absolute truth than the existence of God, and the veracity of the Bible.
So, our little boat has set sail with a small but determined crew to find truth.  Our next stop will be determining significant facts about biblical Christianity. These facts will serve as a plumb line to which we will compare the other belief systems.  We will discuss the authority of scripture, how the canon was formed, and why Christendom is so splintered.

Our main resource will be So What’s the Difference by Fritz Ridenour.